
20th July, 16:00- 16:30 and 16:30-17:00
地點: 新翼B2/F崇酒藏
Tasting wine :
Joseph Phelps Cabernet Sauvignon 2021
Joseph Phelps insignia 2019
品牌大使:Ms Emilie Steckenborn
Joseph phelps 創立於1973年,酒莊致力釀製來自美國納帕谷及西索諾瑪海岸的頂級美酒,時至今日,酒莊在11個莊園中擁有及種植525英畝的葡萄園,
每個地點都是經過策略性的精挑細選,2023年,Joseph Phelps作為加州首屈一指的酒莊,驕傲地慶祝50周年紀念。
名額人數有限,共兩個時段供選擇. 每個時段限10人, 額滿即止
電話 :28318418 or WhatsApp 52000811
SOGO Hong Kong Company Limited(or "SOGO") is the largest Japanese-style department store in Hong Kong and represents one of the major shopping landmarks for both local Hong Kong people and international tourists. Since its' commencement of operations in 1985, SOGO has striven to deliver its' mission of servicing and enhancing the daily lifestyles of our customers and their families.
Our department store is characterized by the "one-stop shop", "shop-in-shop", "Japanese style" and "customer oriented" concepts, offering quality goods, services and customer convenience within a comfortable and pleasurable shopping environment.
Throughout the years, SOGO has experienced continuous expansion. With its aim of creating a premium shopping environment for its shoppers, SOGO undertook a major renovation in 1993, expanding from 120,000 sq.ft. to 400,000 sq. ft. of retail selling space. In 2014, SOGO initiated a multi-year revamp project to upgrade and re-position key floors in order to cater to the evolving demands of our customers.
As the premier department store operator in Hong Kong, SOGO firmly stands by its conduct as a responsible, ethical and sustainable corporate citizen. We are committed towards the long-term drive of holistically integrating ESG values into our business model and corporate culture.